New York Income Tax Calculator

Estimate your New York income tax burden

Updated for 2024 tax year on Apr 17, 2024

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New York state taxes

Quick New York tax facts

  • State income tax: 4% to 10.9%
  • State payroll tax: SDI and PFML
  • State sales tax: 4%
  • Property tax: Varies by locality
  • Gas tax: 42.70 cents per gallon
  • Tobacco tax: $4.35 per pack of 20 cigarettes
  • Insurance premium tax: 1.3% – 2.6%
New York United States

From Wikipedia

New York income taxes

New York’s income tax ranges from 4.00% to 10.9%, divided into multiple brackets based on income level and filing status. There are tax recapture provisions for some taxpayers. These provisions can potentially increase tax liability for high earners. Taxpayers who have New York adjusted gross income over certain thresholds may see their tax benefits from exemptions and deductions decrease.

Employees are subjected to Disability Insurance (SDI) and Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) payroll taxes. New York City also impose an additional local income tax.

New York offers a standard deduction that varies based on filing status. It also allows personal exemptions; both can lower taxable income.

Calculate your income tax in New York

Calculating your New York state income tax is similar to the steps we listed on our Federal income tax calculator:

  1. Determine your filing status
  2. Work out your adjusted gross income [Gross income − Retirement contributions = Adjusted gross income]
  3. Calculate your state taxable income [Adjusted gross income − (Standard/Itemized deductions + Exemptions) = State taxable income]
  4. Figure out your state/local tax liability [State taxable income × State tax rate = State tax liability]
  5. Deduce your state payroll tax liability [Gross income × State payroll tax rate = State payroll tax liability]
  6. Add up all state and local taxes [State tax liability + State payroll tax liability = Total state income taxes]

State payroll tax

New York is one of the few states which has payroll tax.

Tax year Tax name Percent of taxable wage Up to taxable wage Comments
2023 State Disability Insurance (SDI) 0.5% up to:
$0.14 daily
$0.60 weekly
$1.20 biweekly
$1.30 semi-monthly
$2.60 monthly ($31.20 annually)
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) 0.455% $1,688.19 weekly
$87,785.88 per annual
maximum of $399.43 per year
2022 State Disability Insurance (SDI) 0.5% up to:
$0.14 daily
$0.60 weekly
$1.20 biweekly
$1.30 semi-monthly
$2.60 monthly ($31.20 annually)
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) 0.511% $1,594.57 weekly
$82,917.64 per annual
maximum of $423.71 per year
2021 State Disability Insurance (SDI) 0.5% up to:
$0.14 daily
$0.60 weekly
$1.20 biweekly
$1.30 semi-monthly
$2.60 monthly ($31.20 annually)
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) 0.511% $1,450.17 weekly
$75,408.84 per annual
maximum of $385.34 per year
2020 State Disability Insurance (SDI) 0.5% up to:
$0.14 daily
$0.60 weekly
$1.20 biweekly
$1.30 semi-monthly
$2.60 monthly ($31.20 annually)
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) 0.27% $1,401.17 weekly
$72,860.84 per annual
maximum of $196.72 per year

State income tax brackets

New York’s income tax is relatively progressive which helps in maintaining the state’s competitive edge.
Refer to Tax Foundation for more details.

Tax year Filing status Taxable income Rate
2023 Single
Married, Filing Separately
$0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 - $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $80,650 5.50%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.00%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,000 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $0 – $17,150 4.00%
$17,150 – $23,600 4.50%
$23,600 – $27,900 5.25%
$27,900 – $161,550 5.50%
$161,550 – $323,200 6.00%
$323,200 – $2,155,350 6.85%
$2,155,350 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Head of Household $0 – $12,800 4.00%
$12,800 – $17,650 4.50%
$17,650 – $20,900 5.25%
$20,900 – $107,650 5.50%
$107,650 – $269,300 6.00%
$269,300 – $1,616,450 6.85%
$1,616,450 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
2022 Single $0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 – $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $80,650 5.85%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.25%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,000 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $0 – $17,150 4.00%
$17,150 – $23,600 4.50%
$23,600 – $27,900 5.25%
$27,900 – $161,550 5.85%
$161,550 – $323,200 6.25%
$323,200 – $2,155,350 6.85%
$2,155,350 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Married, Filing Separately $0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 – $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $80,650 5.85%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.25%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Head of Household $0 – $12,800 4.00%
$12,800 – $17,650 4.50%
$17,650 – $20,900 5.25%
$20,900 – $107,650 5.85%
$107,650 – $269,300 6.25%
$269,300 – $1,616,450 6.85%
$1,616,450 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
2021 Single $0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 – $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $21,400 5.90%
$21,400 – $80,650 6.21%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.49%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,000 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $0 – $17,150 4.00%
$17,150 – $23,600 4.50%
$23,600 – $27,900 5.25%
$27,900 – $43,000 5.90%
$43,000 – $161,550 6.21%
$161,550 – $323,200 6.49%
$323,200 – $2,155,350 6.85%
$2,155,350 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Married, Filing Separately $0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 – $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $21,400 5.90%
$21,400 – $80,650 6.21%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.49%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
Head of Household $0 – $12,800 4.00%
$12,800 – $17,650 4.50%
$17,650 – $20,900 5.25%
$20,900 – $32,200 5.90%
$32,200 – $107,650 6.21%
$107,650 – $269,300 6.49%
$269,300 – $1,616,450 6.85%
$1,616,450 – $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,001 – $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ 10.90%
2020 Single $0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 – $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $21,400 5.90%
$21,400 – $80,650 6.21%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.49%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550+ 8.82%
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $0 – $17,150 4.00%
$17,150 – $23,600 4.50%
$23,600 – $27,900 5.25%
$27,900 – $43,000 5.90%
$43,000 – $161,550 6.21%
$161,550 – $323,200 6.49%
$323,200 – $2,155,350 6.85%
$2,155,350+ 8.82%
Married, Filing Separately $0 – $8,500 4.00%
$8,500 – $11,700 4.50%
$11,700 – $13,900 5.25%
$13,900 – $21,400 5.90%
$21,400 – $80,650 6.21%
$80,650 – $215,400 6.49%
$215,400 – $1,077,550 6.85%
$1,077,550+ 8.82%
Head of Household $0 – $12,800 4.00%
$12,800 – $17,650 4.50%
$17,650 – $20,900 5.25%
$20,900 – $32,200 5.90%
$32,200 – $107,650 6.21%
$107,650 – $269,300 6.49%
$269,300 – $1,616,450 6.85%
$1,616,450+ 8.82%
Tax benefit recapture

New York state has “tax benefit recapture” for high-income earners in their respective tax brackets. The calculations are based on both the state adjusted gross income (AGI) and state taxable income.

Tax year Filing status Taxable income Recapture Amount Incremental Benefit NY state AGI minus Phase-in numerator Comment
More than Equal or less than
2023 Single
Married, Filing Separately
$80,650 6% of state tax liability
$80,650 $215,400 $0 $568 $107,650 $50,000
$215,400 $1,077,550 $568 $1,831 $215,400 $50,000
$1,077,550 $5,000,000 $2,399 $30,172 $1,077,550 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $32,571 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $27,900 5.55% of state tax liability
$27,900 $161,550 $0 $333 $107,650 $50,000
$161,550 $323,200 $333 $807 $161,550 $50,000
$323,200 $2,155,350 $1,140 $2,747 $323,200 $50,000
$2,155,350 $5,000,000 $3,887 $60,350 $2,155,350 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $64,237 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
Head of Household $107,650 6% of state tax liability
$107,650 $269,300 $0 $787 $107,650 $50,000
$269,300 $1,616,450 $787 $2,289 $269,300 $50,000
$1,616,450 $5,000,000 $3,076 $45,261 $1,616,450 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $48,337 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
2022 Single
Married, Filing Separately
$80,650 6.33% of state tax liability
$80,650 $215,400 $0 $536 $107,650 $50,000
$215,400 $1,077,550 $536 $1,293 $215,400 $50,000
$1,077,550 $5,000,000 $1,829 $30,171 $1,077,550 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $32,000 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $27,900 5.97% of state tax liability
$27,900 $161,550 $0 $430 $107,650 $50,000
$161,550 $323,200 $430 $646 $161,550 $50,000
$323,200 $2,155,350 $1,076 $1,940 $323,200 $50,000
$2,155,350 $5,000,000 $3,016 $60,349 $2,155,350 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $63,365 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
Head of Household $107,650 6.33% of state tax liability
$107,650 $269,300 $0 $752 $107,650 $50,000
$269,300 $1,616,450 $752 $1,616 $269,300 $50,000
$1,616,450 $5,000,000 $2,368 $45,261 $1,616,450 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $47,629 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
2021 Single
Married, Filing Separately
$80,650 6.33% of state tax liability
$80,650 $215,400 $0 $526 $107,650 $50,000
$215,400 $1,077,550 $526 $1,120 $215,400 $50,000
$1,077,550 $5,000,000 $1,646 $30,171 $1,077,550 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $31,817 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $43,000 5.97% of state tax liability
$43,000 $161,550 $0 $474 $107,650 $50,000
$161,550 $323,200 $474 $582 $161,550 $50,000
$323,200 $2,155,350 $1,056 $1,680 $323,200 $50,000
$2,155,350 $5,000,000 $2,736 $60,350 $2,155,350 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $63,086 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability
Head of Household $107,650 6.33% of state tax liability
$107,650 $269,300 $0 $742 $107,650 $50,000
$269,300 $1,616,450 $742 $1,401 $269,300 $50,000
$1,616,450 $5,000,000 $2,143 $45,260 $1,616,450 $50,000
$5,000,000 $25,000,000 $47,403 $32,500 $5,000,000 $50,000
$25,000,000 10.9% of state tax liability

Local income tax

If you live in New York City, then you need to pay an additional local income tax. Or you can live outside NYC to avoid tax as more do.
Refer to The Balance for more information.

City Tax year Filing status Taxable income Rate
New York City 2023
Single $0 – $12,000 3.078%
$12,000 – $25,000 3.762%
$25,000 – $50,000 3.819%
$50,000+ 3.876%
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $0 – $21,600 3.078%
$21,600 – $45,000 3.762%
$45,000 – $90,000 3.819%
$90,000+ 3.876%
Married, Filing Separately $0 – $12,000 3.078%
$12,000 – $25,000 3.762%
$25,000 – $50,000 3.819%
$50,000+ 3.876%
Head of Household $0 – $14,400 3.078%
$14,400 – $30,000 3.762%
$30,000 – $60,000 3.819%
$60,000+ 3.876%

State standard deduction

You can claim the standard deduction in New York state. For more information, refer to Tax Foundation.

Tax year Filing status Standard deduction amount
Married, Filing Separately
Married, Filing Jointly or Widow(er) $16,050
Head of Household $11,200

State exemptions

You can claim $1000 for each dependent. Refer to Tax Foundation for more details.

Tax year Filing status Exemption amount
Dependent(s) $1,000

New York sales tax

The base state sales tax in New York is 4.00%. However, local taxes can push the total sales tax up to 8.875% in certain areas, like New York City.

New York property tax

New York property taxes are among the highest in the country, though rates can vary widely by location.

New York capital gains tax

In New York, capital gains are treated as regular income for state tax purposes

New York gas tax

New York’s gas tax is a hefty 42.70 cents per gallon, which includes both excise and sales taxes.

New York tobacco tax

The state charges $4.35 per pack of 20 cigarettes, one of the highest rates in the U.S.

New York insurance tax

In New York, insurance premium tax rates range from 1.3% to 2.6%, depending on the type of insurance.


How do I calculate my New York income tax?

Calculate your New York state income tax with the following six steps.

  1. Determine your filing status
  2. Gross income − Retirement contributions = Adjusted gross income
  3. Adjusted gross income − (Standard/Itemized deductions + Exemptions) = State taxable income
  4. State taxable income × State tax rate = State tax liability
  5. Gross income × State payroll tax rate = State payroll tax liability
  6. State tax liability + State payroll tax liability = Total state income tax

How much is $65000 a year after taxes in New York?

The take home pay will be $48,066.10 for people who lives in New York City.
For a resident not living in New York City, the take home income is $50,151.10.